Kepala Sekolah SMP Kristen Tunas Daud Mataram

My name is Yafet Agustinus Malanguna, and my nick name is Yafet. I was born in Central Sulawesi on August 1st 1982. I was graduated from Christianity Theology studies at Sekolah Tinggi Teologia Satyabhakti in Malang, East of Java at 2009.
I had joined Tunas Daud Christian School Mataram from 2010 to 2012 as an English teacher for grade 3 and 4. After that I was focusing on the church ministry.
In 2016 I came back and rejoined Tunas Daud Christian School at the High School level as the vice principal, Homeroom teacher, counselor and Christian Religion teacher.
In July 2021, the school board has signed me as the Principal of Junior High School level, and it is still on going until today. As a principal, I am so much helped with the team that I have such as the vices principals and the rest of teachers and staff. Their professionality and availability in working as a team have supported me to gain the advantage for this school.